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A Men’s Guide to Styling Jewelry for the Summer

Styling Jewelry

For many men, the only pieces of jewelry they’ll ever wear are a watch and maybe a wedding band, as jewelry tends to be more popular with women. However, whether it’s an awesome timepiece, a great statement ring or stylish gold chains with pendants, men can use jewelry to elevate their look tremendously. If you’re unsure how to properly style your jewelry for the upcoming summer months, use these five tips as your guide.

Tip 1: Prioritize Quality

While costume jewelry is trendy and easy to find, it’s better to be intentional about investing in quality pieces for your jewelry collection. One of the reasons is that high-quality pieces are durable. If you forget to take your jewelry off when you’re in the shower, it can withstand a certain amount of wear and tear. As a rule of thumb, though, it’s best to remove jewelry before showering.

Granted, you do want to take good care of your jewelry so that it lasts a long time. However, when you purchase less durable pieces, it’s not uncommon to develop an allergy that results in a rash. You can also experience skin discoloration or the disintegration of that piece of jewelry due to the lack of quality.

Sometimes, costume jewelry can change colors because it can’t withstand certain environments, temperatures, or elements. High-quality pieces are built for long-lasting wear. In many cases, you can even pass down the jewelry to others. When you purchase classic fine jewelry, it’s easy for you to wear and enjoy it for decades to come.

Tip 2: Take a Minimalist Approach

During the summer months, there are a number of elements to consider. For starters, there’s the heat. If you’re trying to cope with really chunky pieces in the heat, it’s not going to look or feel good.

Summer is also the season of travel. Whether you’re traveling to visit a friend or jetting to a swanky beach vacation destination, moving through the TSA line isn’t the easiest when you have a lot of heavy metals on you. When you wear simple, lightweight pieces, you can easily take them off and maneuver through the line without breaking a sweat.

When it comes to the minimalist approach, pay close attention to what many fashion influencers and celebrities are wearing this season. A number of fashionistas are currently loving 1990s minimalist looks. With ’90s minimalism, you can expect to see simple chains, stacked rings, and clean lines. To put together a refined look for the summertime, flip through ’90s fashion magazines to get great ideas for how to wear your jewelry in 2023.

Tip 3: Curate a Diverse Collection

If you’re a jewelry newbie, it might be tempting to simply focus on one type of jewelry. However, this is one of the easiest ways to get stuck in the proverbial fashion comfort zone. Instead, create a sense of variety in your approach to styling your jewelry. As you collect trendy chains, score some unique bracelets, interesting anklets, and a few pairs of earrings. It’s great to mix up your look with different pieces like Cuban link chains, wooden rings, and metal bracelets.

Mix and match your pieces in order to create some visual depth and interest. You don’t have to stick with the same metal for your entire look. When you’re unsure of how to mix and match your pieces, start by creating the foundation of one metal. For example, opt to start with two gold rings and a gold bracelet. With one gold ring on each hand and a gold bracelet on one wrist, you can create diversity by adding a braided bracelet on top of the gold bracelet. Then add a graphite ring to one of the gold rings. With this simple stacking method, you can add diversity and depth to your look.

Stacking can be tricky because it can easily make you look like you’re trying too hard or have too much on. Avoid a cluttered look. A simple trick is to add or stack thin and delicate pieces. Avoid thick, chunky pieces. The thinner the pieces are, the easier they are to stack and look effortless.

Tip 4: Consider Summer Themes

While classic jewelry pieces can last a long time, it’s OK to throw in some trendy pieces as well. On-trend pieces add a bit of spontaneity and relevancy to your look. During the summer months, find ways to use your trendy jewelry to pay homage to the season.

A great way to do this is by incorporating pieces that are nods to the summer. For the beach lover, chains with nautical pendants provide beach vibes. Summer-themed pendants can also include shark teeth, anchors, and palm trees. For an understated look, search for smaller pendants that are easy to layer with other necklaces and jewels.

Tip 5: Aim for Balance

When you’re looking to accessorize with more jewelry, develop a strategic approach on a daily basis. A great rule to consider is the one-two rule. Perhaps you found some great gold rings for men and want to stack your gold. You could wear two rings on one hand and one ring on the other. This helps you to accessorize while making sure you’re not wearing too much. It’s a helpful way to achieve balance in your look.

Start by wearing one ring on each hand since that’s a great way to comfortably ease your way into wearing more jewelry. Then you can add a bracelet on one wrist. You can even do the same on the upper part of your body. It’s perfectly fine to wear one Cuban link chain. However, if you’d like to spice up the look a bit, add a skinny chain to the Cuban link chain. When you’re able to stack pieces in a balanced manner, it can help you create a stylish, sophisticated look.

Create Your Look With Confidence

As you include these tips in your approach, always remember that as you practice and experiment with different pieces, you’ll develop your own sense of style. As you curate your own look, you’ll become more confident in your ability to pull it off. Before long, you’ll be able to use jewelry to style yourself to perfection.

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