Why You Should Never Waste Time With Cheap Bags

Why You Should Never Waste Time With Cheap Bags

We live in a world where everything costs money. If you want to be sure that you’re going to get the most bang for your buck when purchasing a bag, you’re gonna have to be ready to make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into.

It’s not always easy to know exactly how one should go about picking out a new bag, but it can be important to be sure that you are getting the best possible deal. After all, a new bag is an investment, and you want to be sure that you’re getting the most for your money.

But you do always want to make sure that you know exactly what you’re looking for. Whether you’re just looking for a plain duffle bag or you want something more specific like Jon Hart Bags getting the best choice for you will help you feel happier with your new bag.

There are also some misconceptions about bags that a lot of people seem to not be able to get over, and we’ll cover those as well as a few reasons why you should not waste your time or money on cheap bags.

What Makes a Good Bag?

Most people own a bag of some sort. There are a lot of different types of bags to have. Backpacks, handbags, duffel bags, etc, and the list goes on. The part that people have the biggest issue with is knowing what makes a bag good for what purpose.

You don’t want to bring a leather handbag on a hike. You don’t want to bring a duffle bag to go shopping with because it is too big and bulky. Backpacks are great for carrying items on your back over long distances, or even short ones. They come in a lot of different sizes, colors, and styles.

There are also different types of backpacks for different situations. For example, there are school bags for kids, or those who have to carry textbooks around often, there are hiking bags that help distribute the weight evenly around the body and reduce strain on the shoulder area, and there are plain old everyday backpacks that can help you get from point A to point B without strain or effort.

Handbags can be used more as a fashion statement than anything else sometimes but they still do have their purpose. Handbags usually carry less weight than backpacks do but they still need some type of support system because if you have to carry them around all day then it will start hurting your shoulder without any type of strap system in place.

Handbags come in all sorts of shapes, colors, and sizes just like backpacks do so finding one that suits you should not be hard at all if you look around enough! When looking at bags, you always want to look at the way that they’re constructed. In order to do this, you’ll want to make sure that you take a look at the:

    • To look at this one, you usually just have to turn the bag inside out and inspect the seam at the bottom of the bag.

Type Of Materials Used.

    • Most companies will say what kind of materials are used in their bags upfront, and if they don’t you can usually find that information on the tag.

Zipper or Clasp.

    • A good zipper goes a long way, make sure that the zipper looks secure enough to be trusted with your things. If it doesn’t have a zipper, make sure to look at whatever mechanism is in place to hold the bag shut.
    • The straps of a bag are one of the most important things about your bag. They have to hold the weight of everything you put into it, so make sure that they’re sturdy.

Once you’ve taken a look at all of these aspects, you’ll be able to know whether or not the bag will work for you and is something that might last you a good while. A good bag can last you anywhere between ten and twenty years, so it’s worth taking a good look at what you’re buying to make sure that it’s something that will last.

The Drawbacks of a Cheap Bag

Looking over that last section, you may have some more questions about why you shouldn’t just go for the cheapest bags possible. Now, we do want to make sure that we’re clear, cheap doesn’t always mean what’s on the price tag, but what the product actually delivers.

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Sometimes the bag that’s $40 is worth every penny and sometimes a bag that’s $400 is a total waste of money. We’ll go into those details in a minute, but for now, let’s go over some of the most common reasons people give for their preference for cheaper bags.

1. “I Just Don’t See It As An Investment Piece.”

This one is confusing because if you’re using your handbag every day, it definitely should be seen as an investment piece! A good bag should last at least 2 years with regular use and even longer if you take good care of it. Every time you use your bag, it slowly starts to show signs of wear and tear which means any extra money spent on buying cheap bags can end up costing more in replacement costs than if you would’ve just bought one good quality bag to begin with!

Not only do you not have to keep buying new bags all the time, but because they’re better made and have higher quality materials, they won’t show signs of wear and tear as quickly or easily as lower-quality bags will.

2. “The Cheaper Ones Are So Much Cuter!”

We know how tempting those cuteness overloads can be! But remember that cute doesn’t always equal practical or long-lasting…or even cute for long. The thing about low-quality materials like faux leather or canvas is that they often look great from a distance when they’re brand new…but not so much close up when they start to fall apart after only 2 weeks (yes we’ve seen this happen!).

Not only does this make your handbag look bad, but now that it’s falling apart already you have to start thinking about what kind of replacement options there are. We believe there are always better options than replacing something broken with another something broken.

3. “I Can’t Afford The More Expensive One.”

Everyone knows that the world runs on money, but getting better bags that last longer actually saves you money over time. This is because it’s cheaper just to have something for a long time than to replace it constantly. When you use your bag every day, it’ll show signs of wear and tear.

The cheaper ones are often made with lower quality materials and construction which makes them fall apart even faster. So while you might think the cheaper bag is the more affordable option, in reality, it will end up costing more in replacement costs than if you would’ve just bought one good quality bag to begin with!

4. “I Don’t Need A Good Bag, I’ll Just Use This Until It Falls Apart.”

We get it, sometimes you just need a bag to hold your stuff and don’t care too much about how long it lasts or what it looks like. But let’s be honest here…most of us do care about those things!

If you’re regularly using the same bag for everything, it’s good to make sure that you have something that you can rely on. No one wants their bag to fall apart on them when they need it most.

5. “It’s Just A Handbag, Who Cares?”

This one is probably the most confusing because if you’re using your handbag every day, of course, you should care! A good bag should last at least 2 years with regular use and even longer if you take good care of it.

Every time you use your bag, it slowly starts to show signs of wear and tear which means any extra money spent on buying cheap bags can end up costing more in replacement costs than if you would’ve just bought one good quality bag to begin with!

Not only do you not have to keep buying new bags all the time, but because they’re better made and have higher quality materials, they won’t show signs of wear and tear as quickly or easily as lower-quality bags will.

Using Better Bags for a Better Life

It’s not uncommon to have a bag that you enjoy using. An everyday carry, something that helps you make sure that you have the things that matter the most on you at all times whether you’re going to work, school, the gym, or every downtown for a night in the city.

A good bag won’t let you down and will also help you stand out a little bit more when you want to. If you take care in selecting the bag, the bag will take care of you.